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Qingdao Lanrid Machine Blade Tool Co., Ltd., headquartered in important economic center in China's eastern coastal city of Shandong Peninsula Economic Development Zone, the blue core, "Chinese brands" - Qingdao Industrial Park Camp Sea, East Bohai Sea, north Liuting International Airport, away from the entrance Dracocephalum less than a kilometer high-speed, location, transportation is very convenient. 本公司是集研发设计、生产、销售于一体的专业精密机械刀片制造厂家。公司自创建以来,经过多年不懈的努力和积累经验,依照客户不同需求研制出广泛用于造纸,包装,印刷,橡塑,食品,林业,塑胶,化工,轻纺,冶金,电子电器等行业机械刀具和模具。 The company is R & D, production and sales of professional precision ma... [详细介绍] |